Tuesday, August 31, 2010


i love the freeway. you can go fast.

i hate the freeway. it's crowded, so you can't go fast.

i love the freeway. there are no stop lights.

i hate the freeway. people get in accidents, which makes you come to a complete stop on the freeway as if there was a seemingly infinite red light. today i added "being parked on the freeway" to my list of things that might appear in my personal hell. i keep a list to remind myself of these awful things, so that i might be more motivated to be a good person.

this morning, there was an accident on the freeway. my first thought was not, "Oh no! I hope they're ok!" it was actually, "dangit! now my way to school is blocked!"

i came to the conclusion (after contemplating what i would've done with the five years of my life that i lost by inhaling poisonous gas fumes from the truck i was parked behind for a half hour on the I-15) that i am a terrible person. obviously i need to go read my personal hell list again.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

ahaha amy you crack me up!