heaven be praised, no meetings today. instead, i decorated a classroom. i also learned that my depth perception is awful when trying to line up posters, i can't cut a straight line to save my life, but dang i make a good looking bulletin board display.

i probably violated several district policies by standing on tables and stools to staple and tack (i would know if i would've actually paid attention at the meetings yesterday).
i hate the faculty bathroom, mainly because the walls are paper thin and i've always been squeamish about the idea of people being able to hear me pee. the faculty room is also highly stocked with caffeine. i've made it two days without giving in--let's see how long i can wake up before the sun without it.
when 3:00 came and it was time for me to leave, i cheerfully greeted my car as i stuck my keys in the ignition, but my car had no reply for me. the thing is, in the morning when i leave, it's dark. i turn my lights on. by the time i get to school forty minutes later, it's no longer dark, but i've long forgotten that my lights are on. what does this all mean, you ask? well, i'll tell you. it means that my car battery died and i wandered around the school searching for any person (preferably male) over the age of 16 to jump start my car.
awesome. i'm THAT student teacher.
Sounds like you are ready to do some real teaching...sorry about the dead battery! That same thing would have happened to me alot if I didn't have a beeping noise go off when I tried to exit my car because the lights were still on. Since your car doesn't do that...I would use a post-it on the dash or somewhere else that reminded you to turn off the lights. I would love to be in one of your classes! Maybe Kevin would have actually learned some french if you had taught him! Love you!
I did that with my car the first week I was a freshman at UofA. Classic rookie mistake.
except...oh. (you're no rookie)
I'd LOVE to be your class!
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