Wednesday, March 18, 2009

time to get crazy.

so i turned 21. now i'm legally allowed to do all the things i'm not allowed to do anyway! regardless of the rather anti-climatic mormon 21st birthday, i still managed to have a righteously good time. we celebrated my ascension into adulthood by having a white trash birthday bash--complete with homemade white trash costumes and a homemade beer/fresca can helmet. we also had some really classy snacks, such as ritz crackers topped with easy-cheeze, twinkies, and root beer kegs. you better believe it was a hootin-hollerin' good time.

and on the actual day of my birth, we celebrated with cake and presents for meeeee.

going private.

ok so i've been getting some pretty heinous anonymous comments lately, so i'm taking my blog private. send me your email if you'd like to continue reading the adventures of my life.