Friday, October 29, 2010

friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday

Thursday, October 28, 2010


is it even possible to wake up and not be tired? to not crave more sleep as soon as your alarm goes off? i generally get a solid 7-8 hours of sleep a night, because i'm a vicious man-eating zombie if i get any less than that, but somehow, i still wake up feeling exhausted. and, i'm still tired and worn down during the day. what's up with that? do i have a chemical imbalance or something?

gem of the day, brought to me when we were doing career projects: "mademoiselle hansen, 'pokemon trainer' wasn't in the dictionary. what do i do?"

i had a couple of suggestions about what he could do, but i refrained from saying them out loud. i definitely said them in my head though, so i'm pretty sure i'm still in trouble in terms of my spiritual well-being.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

just call me pinocchio with a fiery wrath.

i just had the most depressing lunch. after sitting and listening to the teachers talk about all the crap that parents and administrations put them through, i've come to this conclusion: if i become a public school teacher, i will be a puppet. i will pretty much have to bend to whatever whim the parents throw at me, because unless i give parents the answer that they want (which is always going to be "my child deserves an A even though they did not do the work"), i will be belittled, abused, and demonized until i give in.

it was so incredibly frustrating to sit and listen to all of it. i'm just going to say it: parents, you are the problem. stop enabling your children to be weak. stop making them think they are entitled to getting something from doing nothing. stop allowing them to think that they must, and will be the exception to every rule. stop conditioning them to think that they do not have to face the consequences of their actions. you, oh misguided and petty parents, are the reason why the american public educational system is a joke. because you make it that way with your unrealistic and unmerited demands that make a mockery of order and responsibility.

granted, this is all coming from me, a childless single adult. i'm sure it is really difficult and infuriating as a parent to see your kid be a total doofus and screw up their grade. but when you fight tooth and nail to get your child a higher, undeserved grade, you are teaching them a few lessons:

1. you are teaching your child to stand back and let you fight their battle for them.
2. you are teaching your child that you value percentages more than responsible behavior.
3. you are teaching your child that if they whine enough, they can eventually get their way.

are these the lessons that we really want to teach the rising generation? i realize this post is terribly acrid, and i have no right whatsoever to comment on how to raise children. but this is from an educator's perspective. so if you have a problem, i guess just go complain to my principal about it so he can slap me around and make me go back and change my blog and write about how totally awesome you are, and how you get an A+ every time you can manage to remember to put your name on your assignments that you'll probably turn in a month late but we'll count it anyway just because you are so dang special.

deep breaths. 22 more days.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


so yesterday, i did a very adult thing. not adult in the sense of XXX, but adult in the sense of i am a responsible human being that does professional things. professional things like...give a presentation to people that have doctorates and 20 years on me at a university conference.

look, look! i appeared in a program!

look, look! my picture was in it too!

the presentation went quite well. i feel like i said some intelligent-sounding things, which i based off the amount of head-nods i got when i was talking. anyway, enough bragging. bye.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

actually, i wasn't looking for one of those...

(click to enlarge)

so, i got this random ad generated in my gmail today. i don't know what this means. is it an ad for women's unmentionables, or a bra for my non-existent husband? i think that this was either created by a robot, or someone who clearly doesn't speak english and who was using google translate.

Monday, October 18, 2010

the weekend of bliss

as promised, i have something to blog about other than student teaching: fall break.

fall break was thursday and friday of last week, giving me a four day weekend. two happiest days of my life (well, my life in the past two months or so). saturday and sunday were tainted by "productive things," but oh, oh how sweet thursday and friday were. i slept in, i went to the temple, i went shopping, i spent quality time with the people i care about without feeling guilty because of xyz i needed to do, i took pictures with commie camera, i did whatever the heck i wanted to. the weather was beautiful. i found myself smiling for absolutely no reason.

i found some new things that i'm going to be obsessed with for the next few weeks/months: jeggings (jeans+leggings=not real pants that look (kind of) like real pants but feel like pajamas), watching BBC documentaries (à la "planet earth" and "life"), and cake waffles. yeah. cake waffles. cake batter+waffle iron+topped with ice cream.

now i am drinking blueberry tea and trying to quell the anxiety clawing its way up my throat. no big deal.

you're not old enough to do what you want

so today i taught my french class how to say "i do what i want!" they were all enthralled by this.

then i had to make one of the kids clean it off his desk after having written it in bold letters. no, you don't do what you want. you do what i tell you to do.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

t-minus 2 hours and 10 minutes

yes, i am blogging during my prep period.

29 more days of student teaching. i have yet to come home after a day of teaching and be able to say with a surety that "yes, this is what i want to do for the rest of my life." there have been some days where i think, "ok, maybe i could stand doing this for a few years." but mostly i come home and want to drop out of college and get sterilized so i don't have to be bothered by any children ever again.

ok so that's perhaps an exaggeration. maybe.

but today is my last day this week--thursday and friday are fall break! maybe after this weekend i'll have something other than complaints about student teaching to blog about?

Friday, October 8, 2010

commie camera!

this camera is from russia.

excuse me, the USSR.

i'm gonna have so many commie adventures and take so many commie pictures. basically, this is me joining the ranks of "oooh look at me i have a cool-looking camera so now i can take professional cool pictures...NOT." but you bet your bottom dollar that i'm gonna entertain myself taking those poser-non-professional pictures, comrade.

hitler is rolling over in his grave.

just a warning: this might only be funny for people who speak french. and i mean that in the most unpretentious way.
so in my french 2 class, we're learning country names and prepositions.


quiz question: "england"
quiz answer: "anglemagne"

perhaps this would be the case if WWII had turned out differently...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


dear mcdonalds,

you are so gross....and yet? you are so good. there comes a time every 2-3 months where my body sends me a message saying, "yooooou waaaaaant mcdonnaaaaaaalds, iiiiittt iiiiiss gooooooooood!" and i think, "yeah. i want mcdonalds. it IS good!"

so then i eat some. and while i'm eating, my brain is temporarily overpowered by the sheer amounts of calories, fat, and who the heck even knows what else so that the act of eating it becomes one of the most enjoyable experiences of my day.

it's only until about...5 minutes after i'm done do i realize: oh my gosh. what have i done. and then, i want to die. and then i remember: this same thing has happened so many times before. it must be kind of like childbirth, where your brain does this thing to make you forget how awful it is, so you eventually want to birth more babies. yeah, the same part of the brain is probably in charge of both of those things: mcdonalds binges and childbirth.

so congratulations, mickey d's. you got me again. see you in another 2-3 months.

love and kind of hate,

Monday, October 4, 2010