when i kill bugs, namely spiders, i always have this slightly irrational thought process. of course the civilized thing to do would be to dispose of the smashed-to-a-bloody-pulp creature in a wad of toilet paper. but i can't help but want to leave it on the floor/wall/whatever, as a warning to his friends. like, "learn from your buddy--stay away, or suffer the same fate." you know, kind of like what pirates or whoever did back in the day to keep people away from their pirate islands or whatever. yeah. like that.
also, (wearing all white+black lights)x dance party=awesome/i come home looking like this. (also awesome)

i went to bed far too late and i'll probably be a total zombie today, but it was totally worth it.
i like your brain.
Yeah, there's a cricket on the wall above the sink that I squished that look like spiderman. It gives me a good chuckle when I see it and I have no intention of taking it off.
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