Thursday, February 14, 2013

riddle me this.

so i realized that the reason i haven't been getting any comments on my blog since i've been back hasn't been because you guys don't love me anymore (RIGHT?!!)--it's because my comment settings are all messed up.

i THOUGHT that changing the settings to this would fix it:
normally changing settings to "allow all comments from everyone everywhere at anytime" would permit comments...right? so WHY, when i go to edit individual posts, do i see this:
i am confused. 

help me. 


holli h. said...

looks like you fixed it yayyy!!!

Chitney said...

I think I can leave comments now!?

Janalee said...

I honestly thought you were shutting off comments because you "Weren't ready for that step yet", as a fresh returned missionary. One thing at a time: a few short posts for a while, then longer posts, then after a few months of that, maybe turn on comments. Wading back in the water real slow-like.

Karen said...

Sooo, happy! Now I can stalk you in public! (Is that still considered stalking?) And if you are really bored you have a link with which you can stalk me back!

Megan said...

That is there because you can choose to not allow comments on individual posts. So if you have something that you want to share but you don't want people submitting their opinions you can just turn off comments for that one post. Hope that helps!

And I'm glad you brought comments back. I am with Janalee, I thought you were jut not ready for that part of it yet so I was like, "Oh okay she's just getting into this slowly." ha