Monday, February 25, 2013

adult life, i bite my thumb at you.

this is what it looks like when i try to make a resume:

thank goodness i have a mitchell who walks me through the resume-making process:

mostly i just want to hang out with babies.
hire me plz?


Sarah said...

I've been following your mission posts and I am so excited you are home and have your comments back on! I'd hire you. If I had a business, that is.

Karen said...

I would hire you to come and teach Kindermusik. Lots of time with babies. They laugh at pukey emoticons, love pink and if they don't smell lovely, their moms take care of that - and I use Fabreeze - I love that stuff! And as a bonus, we have a few songs in french (also Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Armenian and Hebrew... you could teach us a few in Tahitian.