Monday, February 18, 2013

my soul is in danger.

i got soeur cook's mass-email today and opened it with a squeal of delight. then started laughing, because i read this:

Earlier this week we went and taught a semi-new investigator. He has lots of interesting ideas, and we started teaching him when I was still with Soeur Hansen. In the second lesson, he told Sr. Hansen that she brought a spirit/angel with her and it was just too powerful for him. This last week, Soeur White and I went to teach him the Plan of Salvation. In the lesson, he told us how he has big plans to start a new religion. Also, that it's too bad that Soeur Hansen left because he wanted to do a ritual/ceremony with her (I'm guessing some sort of ancient Tiki magic stuff). And also that Soeur Hansen needs to come back to Tahiti because she forgot her soul here. Oops...He said he really worries for Sr. Hansen because of that. Some of our investigators have lots of interesting ideas. 

if any of you would like to buy me a plane ticket to tahiti to get my soul back, i wouldn't turn you away.


holli h. said...

i'm dying right now. for the rest of your life, if you ever feel like anything is "missing" in your life, your mind will wander back to this email.

alyssa said...

hahaha I'm so glad he knows where your soul is, even if you don't!

Unknown said...

I'm not positive how I discovered your blog, but you are super funny and I maybe have stalked your posts all the way back to when you came back from your mish. But, like, happy blogger stalking. Not creepy stalking. So, that's good.

Also, I'm dying over this post. Hilarious.