here are some questions i've posed to gmail recently:

wait what? people still chat on AIM? AIM still exists? i wonder if i can log into my old screen name from 9th grade...(bluejeanbaby373, by the way, inspired from a legacy growing up listening to neil diamond)

wait what??? what in my emails is prompting these ads? i'm pretty sure i've never mentioned anything about my cervix, to anyone, ever. in fact, i'm pretty sure before this moment in time, i've ever even thought about my cervix.
now that i've brought it up though, i guess it's pretty safe to say that gmail forced me to think about my cervix, ergo forcing all who read my blog to think about it as well. am i allowed to say cervix (4 times) on the internet??
1 comment:
I do not get this post at all.
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