i wore a cowboy hat one day and sang a medley of disney songs by a river.

i made friends with a child out of fear that if i didn't, he might kill me in my sleep. turns out he was a funny little kid who has a dream and the best kool-aid perma-stache i've ever seen.
kid: "when i'm twelve, i'm going to change my name to justin."
me: "oh cool. like justin bieber?"
kid: "no. i hate him."
me: (crap please don't kill me)

i drank a lot of soda and ate some stuff made over a fire.

i had a good time with the fam.

did you sing the Pocahontas songs just for me?? remember when singing them was the only thing that could calm my nerves before graduation? lol
amy camping. definitely something i would like to see. love the cowboy hat! very nice touch.
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