Saturday, April 30, 2011

prepare yourselves.

so most of my posts from here on out are probably going to be about food. not that that's a huge change from how it was before, let's be honest.

made these, as promised (going to the grocery store to get ingredients was my productive task o' the day). even made a chocolate ganache to go on top. legit.

good thing my roommates are gone so i will be forced to eat THE ENTIRE PAN MYSELF. pre-mission weight gain, here i come!

the return of summer baking

so last night i had chicken nuggets for dinner (-2 on the adult eating scale). however, before you judge too quickly--i made them from scratch (+3 on the adult eating scale).
enlarged to show texture.

that puts me at a 1. i have yet to determine what exactly the scale is out of, but that's not the point. the point is, summer baking is back. i'm making these next. uhn.

in other news, i'm thinking of starting some kind of poll or something where people can place their bets about how much weight i'm going to gain on my mission. because apparently that's everybody's faaaavvvooorite new thing to talk to me about.

really cool guys.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

a revelatory gchat

a few things:
1. i'm obviously doing really well with my post-grad-total-lack-of-structure schedule. (although let's be honest, this isn't really a huge change of behavior from if i actually had things to do.)
2. sorry i said prostitute, mom.

Monday, April 25, 2011


graduation weekend was absolute perfection. i was well-fed and well-loved, and i walked away with a cum laude diploma. (yeah, i'm bragging. get over it.)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

and more.

hey everybody, look at more pictures of me graduating college!
this is what i would like say: thanks, mom and dad. i could have never done this without you. i love you.

also, just to show that i've been doing things other than being obsessed with graduating, here's this video of a penguin being tickled.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

i am a creature of consistency.

my senior picture from high school vs. my senior picture from college:

good to know that in five years time, the only thing that has changed is that my skin has gotten PALER.

**i realize that i'm going overboard on nostalgic posts here. GET OVER IT.

Monday, April 18, 2011

anonymous recaps.

you have always been the greatest friend to me, regardless of my failure to be the same to you. i love how much you have grown into yourself and found things to be passionate about. i admire your fire.

you terrified me, you awed me, you pushed me, and you inspire me still. the reason i am where i am now is because you believed in me.

there was a definite period of time where i thought you had definitively ruined me. obviously that’s not true, i was just young in a lot of ways. i wish you every happiness in life, but i’m so glad it’s not with me.

i have no doubt that you were put into my life at the exact time that i needed you. you have subsequently become one of my favorite people. thank you for always listening to me, and actually caring about what i say.

you saved me. most of the times that i have laughed the hardest in my life have been with you. my greatest wish for you is that you will wake up—i want you to be able to see just how incredible you are, and be happy with what you have.

i love the new things that i discover because of you. you are so strong and intelligent. i hope you will always remember who you are and not let yourself be tossed about by every wind of whatever comes your way.

you. what do i even say to you that we haven’t already said a million times before? i want it to be you. if it’s not? well, that will be hard (possibly the understatement of my life).

if only i could express to you the example you are to me. you know my brain, and i can’t hide anything from you.

you are absolutely impossible to dislike. everything about you is endearing, and although i occasionally i shake my head in frustration over things you do, i cannot help but smile at the same time. you make me happy, and i hope to call you my friend forever.

you are also someone who came into my life at just the right time. you helped me remember how to be happy and have fun. i know i can tell you anything, and i value your frankness.

i miss your friendship. i wish you hadn’t fallen off the face of the earth. you were always a good example to me.

i’m surprised at how quickly we became friends. i’m not mad about this. you are one of the most entertaining people i have ever met, and i have the biggest girl crush on you. bigger than tina fey, maybe.

the end.

of course i’m growing nostalgic as my college years are coming to a close. it’s strange to me to think that after this week, if i so choose, i never have to go back to school again—ever. i never have to do homework, or take a test, or get a grade. it’s almost unfathomable, because i’ve been going to school for almost literally my entire life. it’s all I know. it is my security blanket.

as cheesy as it might sound, when i think of my time at BYU, one song comes to mind: “je ne regrette rien.” it’s a french song, of course, but i think the connection is fairly obvious—out of all my experiences these past 5 years, the good and the bad, the bitter and the sweet, i regret nothing. even the things i look back on and still wince a little bit, i wouldn’t change, because those things have shaped me into who i am today.

each year i met people that i will never forget, that i will never stop loving. people that i will be friends with for my entire life. people that stood by me when i was at my worst, and who always encouraged me to be my best. i've had experiences that have opened my eyes, made me cry, made me laugh, and overall, made me grow.

i think some of the most memorable and rewarding experiences have involved my school career with french (shocking, i know). going to paris, for one. i will always, always, always treasure the time i spent abroad, albeit short. it solidified my love for french, and also boosted my language skills enough to land me the job as a french student instructor for the 101/102 classes at byu--a job that i've had for two years, and i have absolutely loved. it made me fall in love with teaching (no, student teaching did not entirely break me), it gave me the assurance that someday in the future, i'll have a job.

because this is already way too text heavy, here's a photo recap of my five year college career (because 5 is the new 4, guys).

freshman year:
marked by intoxicating freedom, systematically breaking the honor code curfew, and having the most solid group of friends ever.

sophomore year:
marked by an interesting transition to not having any male on campus actually being my age, still having ridiculous amounts of fun while still somehow managing to get good grades, and one traumatizing disaster of a relationship.

junior year:
marked by getting over paris and heartbreak, getting my teaching job and the resulting mind-boggling stress but ultimate satisfaction, and being more responsible.

senior year, the first:
two words: french house. i adored living there, and i will never forget the bonds forged there. this was one rollercoaster of a year.

senior year, the second:
marked by recovery, discovery of cooking, student teaching misery, the worst apathy concerning school i have ever experienced, and taking the biggest leap of faith i have yet to make.

so byu, it's been real. proud to be a cougar.

Friday, April 15, 2011

happenings today

while talking with my friend adam today, he told me a story. here it is:

adam: "yeah, i walked into the JKB (building on campus) today and i was about to go up the stairs and i heard a little voice behind me say, 'hey!' and i thought, 'amy's here!' so i turned around to say hi to you, and i looked and it was a two year old."


also, for my french theater final, katherine and i had to perform a ridiculously long scene together. at one point, i was supposed to hit her on the head with a book. as it so happened when we were performing, i ended up hitting her directly in the face with the book. i went about my lines, looking down at her about 30 seconds later and realized



Thursday, April 14, 2011

just stop.

my brain feels like this:
which apparently makes me look like a basset hound.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

oh, mitt.

for a better explanation of why this video gets me all riled up, refer to this.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


today i was my office, on the phone with my roommate liz, talking about going to lunch. i was really excited on the phone. here's what everyone in the office heard:

me (reacting to liz saying she got done with her obligation early and could go to lunch right then instead of in an hour): "I LOVE THAT SO MUCH!!!"

girl in the office: "you're going to eat food, aren't you? i knew as soon as i heard you say 'i love that!!' that it was something about food. i love your blog about cupcakes."

i think i really need to get some hobbies other than eating.

Monday, April 11, 2011

que bueno

all i want to do is:

a. listen and dance around to this song
or better yet,
b. join this group and make music videos with them. there's gotta be some made-up instrument that could be incorporated.

a few things.

school is really killing me right now. i know. I KNOW it's almost over. i'm just dying.

all i want to do is put my hair up in a pony tail, but i CAN'T because i BURNED MY NECK WITH MY CURLING IRON and it looks like HICKEY but it's NOT. i'm a little sensitive about it, and also it hurts.

i'm so behind on grading.

i'm so beyond caring about my grades.

i think that's about it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

i think i found my graduation present...

not to go crazy on the blog posting today, but my roommate found this website: Penguins 4 Sale. even though it looks totally sketchy, i think i like this idea.

and illiteracy abounds

just saw this on my 13 year old niece's facebook, a comment from one of her friends:

Aww why were yhuu tryinq to hitt hemm!sister..!so mean enhh lol yhuu shuld havee huqqed hemm anywaysz/!

is this real? is this how the kids these days are really talking? is this english? what is happening?

say goodbye to these knee caps

so i'm starting to venture into the realm of sister missionary clothes. this is the thing that i have been dreading ever since i even put in my papers, because there is only one word that comes to mind when i think of sister missionary clothes, and that is:


the overly structured shirts...the frumpy skirts...the shoes, oh the shoes...each item just kills my spirit a little more at the very thought of wearing them. i realize that missions are not fashion shows. but i really don't think it's asking too much to not look like a backwoods polygamist when i go out.

anyway, i found a skirt. my first reaction was obviously to dislike it, because it went to my mid-shin. not really my style. but whatever. in the spirit of humility (obviously one of my fortes), i tried it on. it grew on me. i had assurance that it was in fact a nice-looking skirt. i bought it.

it fulfills all the necessary requirements, actually. long enough, high-waisted to maintain some sort of style, belted, and is still slightly reminiscent of that "sister wife" spirit that we know and love. (just kidding. the LDS Church and its members do not support nor practice polygamy. but we do have a sense of humor.)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day."

got it.

Monday, April 4, 2011


so my friend irene, who i really love a lot, is really funny. when she found out i was going to tahiti, she was really happy (let's see how many more times i can fit "really" into this post). this was her reaction, really:


everybody reacts to stuff differently, i guess.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

salute to french toast

so my parents were here this weekend, and per tradition, we went to breakfast at kneader's on saturday morning to eat the french toast.

it is so good. thick cinnamon bread, loaded with fresh cream, strawberries, and caramel syrup. no, i'm not getting paid for this. although i probably should.

let it be known that i was the only one to finish my entire plate. obviously i'm just trying to stretch my stomach to be ready to eat like a tahitian. (right?)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

watch this.

and make everyone you know watch it too. it's a video my team made for a competition (we got an honorable mention $1000 prize), but now there's a people's choice award competition, and we really want to win it. obviously.

one point for each unique view, ten points for each region we get (i.e. if you live in california and watch this, we get 11 points--one for the unique view, ten for it being in california).

so all you people in france, australia, malaysia, marshall islands (i know you, actually), russia, canada, germany, and yes, iran that google stats says are reading my blog, I'M TALKING TO YOU. and i'm talking to everyone else too. everyone. watch my video. help us win.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Ua fa'a'ino 'oe tō mātou pereo'o

"You broke our car."

wanna know what language this is?

It's Tahitian.

wanna know why i put that on here?

because i'm going to learn tahitian.

wanna know why i'm going to learn tahitian?


funny story: two days ago, i for real had a dream that i got called to tahiti on my mission and i got there and thought it was incredible. and then i woke up and thought, "huh. tahiti. that would be awesome." and lo and behold--"You are assigned to labor in the Tahiti Papeete mission."
