Friday, February 25, 2011

feature film: the ex-boyfriends club

let me preface this with a little background: in my ward, i have three ex-boyfriends, prompting my bishop to refer to me as a "femme fatale". one was there when i moved in, one moved in a few months later, and one happened more organically. we're all actually on really good terms, as far as i can tell from our pleasant and friendly interactions. anyway, it quickly became a little joke--how they should form some sort of club.

now you have enough background to understand this gchat:

me: alison told me she ran into matthew and russell at slab tonight
and i was like oh, so it's actually happening--they're actually forming the "ex-boyfriends of amy hansen in 234th ward" club
Mitchell: haha
Mitchell: I think that is what is happening
they are inviting tristan over later to all dish
me: they're going to exchange all my secrets
Mitchell: yes
me: things they hated about me
Mitchell: yes
all of these things
they are probably writing a book about it.
Mitchell: it's going to be a New York Times best seller
me: i could illustrate it, i guess. if i get a cut of the profits.
Mitchell: if not you can just sue them
then it can be turned into a movie about the book and you suing them and you can make even more money
me: YES

then the conversation progressed into who we would cast in the movie of my life. cast members as follows: with a few minor changes to hair color and style, i think we've got a pretty solid cast. members include holli, me, mitchell, and the three x's.

let it be known that this is meant to be totally light-hearted in nature--i think the world of all three of these guys.


holli h. said...

Hahaha!!! I'm so glad I get to be in your ex-boyfriends club movie!!! IS matthew Adam Brody? cuz that's perfect.

Amy said...

nooo that's totally tristan! can't you see it? the hair? the scruff? come on.

Jack said...

I think Adam Brody isn't tall and skinny enough to be Matthew.

Megan said...

i never knew about the third ex. that is so funny! definitely make a movie.

Janalee said...

will it be made for tv or major motion picture? Because there's a difference, I heard.

Tristan said...

Dang. I look gooood. I approve.

And I'm still awaiting my invite to the EBC. Is it like Hogwarts? Will it arrive via owl?

I'm a little bit jealous that you have three ex boyfriends in the ward while I only have two ex girlfriends. If only that other one hadn't moved out... Dangit. And then you're moving out this summer and I'll be down to one. Unacceptable. I need to act fast.