so the internet has been broken at my house for the past week or so. it is truly awful. you'd think it would increase my level of productivity, not having access to facebook or blogger. but in fact, it has the opposite effect. mostly i just wander around, whining. the thing is, i don't really have that much homework this semester, so i'm not even that productive to begin with. but when you take away the internet, you also take away my ability to do my online spanish homework (which i probably wasn't going to do until 3 hours before it was due anyway). basically what ends up happening is that i spend 5 hours on campus binging on 30 rock, or taking advantage of my friends for their internet.
I'm pretty sure Comcast is the devil's spawn. The same thing happened to us about every week for a year or so :(
that's gay.
I miss college.
It's really a shame to hear all the negative feedback coming from customers paying for a service. I've been in that position but I feel like where options are available they should be sought out to better the situation. I'm really not one to hang out with a company if I'm unhappy especially since I usually put out a lot of money to the comapny I'm subscribing to. I travel a lot for work with Dish Network which puts me on the road a lot more than I'd like but, I always try to make the best of it. I utilize the ability to take all my programming along for the ride with my Sling Adapter. This gives me access to all my live programming so it's not getting wasted. I've actually been really happy to work for a comapny that is so much about the customers. Dish is always giving away a lot of equipment and free programming especially in the HD age. So it's totally worth it to me to enjoy myself and have a great service to boot!
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