Tuesday, January 18, 2011

this semester is going to be hard. i'm trying to have a good attitude about going to class every day. it's not working out super well so far. mostly i end up drawing "BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH" over and over in my notes, or stick figures with word bubbles saying, "i'm bored." (or in the case of Spanish 105, "me aburro")

i think if i could gchat with people while looking up recipes online all day, i would be really happy.

1 comment:

maddmomma said...

Hang in there just a little longer! You are a l m o s t there. Don't you kind of hate that word, "almost"? I am so proud of you...you smartie, for working so hard, staying so GOOD, and getting your degree! Sending my love!