there are times in my life when the only thing i can think about is taco bell. unfortunately, this particular time just happens to coincide with 19 degree temperatures. also, i haven't scraped my car off since i've been back.

it's times like these where i really wish there were more delivery services around. like taco bell. or groceries (which i also don't have). or my classes. that way, i wouldn't ever have to leave my house to walk across the siberian tundra to get to school, because APPARENTLY people in provo don't believe in shoveling sidewalks. i could probably ice skate to school, actually.

what i'm saying is, i don't want to leave my house. ever.
Are the Dutch crying right now? Statistical evidence shows a high correlation between tears in the Netherlands and Amy's Taco Bell cravings.
i just barely got this. haaa les pays-bas...
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