Saturday, December 11, 2010

the barnacle snowman

let me start off by telling you a little bit about my nephew, gavin. he's almost 8. he's blond. he's got big blue eyes. in short, he's adorable. or should i say, adowable. because he cannot say his r's, and as a result, sounds like he is a boyn and bwed membuh of "jersey shore" (minus the profanity).

tonight at our family christmas party, gavin was playing with a stuffed snowman. suddenly he turns to us, and threatens: "bewayah the baahnacle snowman--he's toychuhwuss!"

(translation: beware the barnacle snowman--he's torturous!)

we're pretty sure he meant to say the abominable snowman, who is treacherous, but we're also pretty sure that his original way was pretty freaking funny.

so, you've been warned.


Tristan said...

This might be my favorite drawing of yours. Literal laugh out loud!

Jody said...

LOL...oh my goodness i miss that boy, i can't wait to get there and hear all the cute and funny things he has to say