Monday, December 13, 2010

a few things

i'm kind of obsessed with my niece.
this picture is especially great because as one of my friends pointed out to me, it looks like one of my arms is regular sized and the other is tiny sized.

i made cookies today. would you like a little jurassic park or fantasy creature with your christmas spirit?

oh yeah. remember how i'm in arizona right now and i don't have to wear shoes while i bask in the sun in my backyard because it's like 80 degrees?



Chitney said...

i kind of hate you! First of all you should definitely have a doctor look at that arm! secondly I"m obsessed with my niece too. Thirdly I would like a fantasy creature please! Love you!

Chitney said...

Also, if your nephew is 8 and can't say his R's he should be in speech! love you!