it all started when the english teachers were taunting us about how we wouldn't have any fun at lunch because they were going to be gone for the next two days at a conference. we replied that we would have TONS of fun, and we would even bring treats. and we did. and we sent them pictures of the treats. and then we started joking about all the fun we could have with their rooms while they were gone.
so we did. and not to brag or anything, but i pretty much impressed the pants off of the teachers with my mischievous ways. they had no idea i had it in me. probably because i never talk during lunch. i guess the whole "amy actually has a personality" cat is out of the bag now...
the crew and the costco cake:
here are some samples of my handiwork:
for the teacher whose favorite thing to tell other teachers is "gird up thy loins...", on her flip chart to be discovered in approximately 4 days.
and my personal favorite,
in the soccer coach's room
the students have no idea how funny teachers can be.
HILARIOUS! You go girl...always know you had it in you!
you have a personality?? cats out of the bag for me too!! (i kid, i kid)
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