today i realized that in at least two areas of my life, i am my mom.
area 1: sleeping. in high school, whenever i would come home at night, i always had to go in and wake up my mom and tell her that i was home. i always hated doing this, because waking my mom up was like walking through a mine-field in which i always inevitably got blown up. this is pretty much how it would go:
me, whispering and lightly touching my mom's arm: "mom. mom. mom...MOM (louder whisper)"
mom, sits up, looking terrified like i'm some kind of serial killer.: *HUUUUUUUUUUGE GAAAAAAAAAAASPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP*
me, terrified: "...i'm home."
mom, suddenly aware that i am not a serial killer: "oh. ok. night."

every time.
so this morning, this scene was replayed, except instead of my mom thinking i was a serial killer, i thought my roommate grace was a serial killer. gasp and jerk-upright and everything. (sorry, grace)
area 2: driving
i think this is a general "mom" trait, but gasping, grabbing the side of the car, subtly putting down your foot to brake, and throwing out your arms whenever something comes near the car are all common things that my mom does when driving.
and i do it, too. all the time. like today, for example, when driving by a park, i see out of the corner of my eye a little white thing running towards the car. and of course i involuntarily let out a body-wrenching gasp as if there was a torpedo headed for the side of the car. nope, just a puppy. sorry, tristan.

so now i can join the ranks of the many women worldwide who say "i'm turning into my mother!" good thing i think my mom is freaking awesome, so it's not really problematic for me.