1. Kindle. Nook. whatever you want to call it--electronic books. what happened to just READING A BOOK? there is something so charming about turning pages, feeling the paper, dog-earing the corners. ugh. kindle. can we focus on curing cancer before we put more resources into trying to replicate the sensation of turning a page on a machine? come. on.

2. 2.these shoes. they're weird. enough said.
1 comment:
I hate those electronic book! I love real books. And someday I'm going to have a big library of real books. But one thing that Adam and I thought of that would be nice with the iPad or something that has electronic books on them, is road trips with babies where you don't have to pack a bunch of books and you can still read to them. Only reason though that I can think of.
And please take those shoes away. I can't look at them. Sick.
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