you know one thing i love about utah (which is important, because there are really not a lot of things i love about utah) is its ability to rearrange national holidays to suit its preferences. for example, america's independence day. you know, the foundation of our nation. although traditionally celebrated on the actual day of occurrence (july 4th), seeing as how that fell on a sunday, utah graciously and conveniently split america's birthday into two days, creating two new holidays--Americans, meet the 3rd of July and the 5th of July. 4th of July actually wasn't celebrated this year. try again in 2011. kthanksbye!
festivities from this weekend included:
watching fireworks on someone's roof

lighting our own "fireworks"

fourth of july cake.
homemade whipped cream frosting. this is me before i wised up and got holli to track down an electric beater for me.

the finished product:

please note my level of excitement is just about on par with the GIANT HOLE IN MY NECK.
i didn't do anything remotely patriotic on the 5th of july. so i guess utah will call me an ungrateful daughter of the revolution. whatever.
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