two words: TUMBLE GYM. a room filled with trampolines, a huge foam pit, blow up bouncy things, and basically everything you could possibly need to train to be a gymnast, or just have a ridiculously good time. there aren't too many pictures because we were too busy running around and doing flips into the foam pit or jumping over foam pad walls from trampoline to trampoline. the one downer of the night: my roommate heather totally sprained her ankle. she was trying to jump off the trampoline over a blow-up column, but instead she ran into it and fell over. we were all laughing up until we saw the pained look on her face. and then we felt bad. really bad.

this video documents me flying through the air with the greatest of ease..orrrr jumping into a foam wall. i eventually did clear it and successfully jump onto the other side, but that unfortunately didn't get captured on video.
Hey, that playground looks like fun! I wonder if old people can do that without killing themselves???
we're doing this when I get back!!! I'll pwn that tumble gym!!!
Hey...I'm waiting for another great photo shoot! This weekend?
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