Monday, October 13, 2008

political pumpkins and family togetherness

so tonight for FHE we carved punnnnkins. it was quite entertaining. i can't even remember the last time i carved a pumpkin...i think i might have been ten. i forgot how much i like digging the guts out of the pumpkin and then sorting out all the seeds from the goop. you can see the progression from fascination to...well...anyway...after deliberating over what to carve, rick and i decided that a sarah palin pumpkin would be a good idea. after rick sketched out the face, i came to the realization that it more closely resembled janet reno...thus japanet renalin the pumpkin was born.the finished family punkins: swisha house (we don't know, the boys made it), batman, japanet renalin, and BYU.


Janalee said...

was it just a year ago that you were displaying some rotten pumpkin on your table for months or something? What was her name again. something.

Anonymous said...

aah i miss her. she wasn't carved though. that's why she lasted so freakishly long.