Sunday, August 3, 2008

don't be shocked, but...

i'm stealing this post idea from one of my favorite ladies miss holli hale- i found it while i was blog stalking her. lurk lurk lurk...
anyway, here are two lists of things that i either like or dislike, both of which when confessed result in people looking at me like i either ran over a family of puppies or ate a family of puppies. so here we go.

things i feel ashamed for not liking:
1. lasagna
2. politics in any way, shape, or form.
3. cinnamon
4. the whole wear-t-shirts-under-spaghetti-strap-or strapless-dresses movement ( feel like i should be supportive of these attempts to be modest but mostly i just hate the tackiness of it all).
5. big social gatherings
6. singles wards
7. modern disney movies.
8. tomatoes
9. decorative pillows
10. rock band
11. sunscreen
12. pets. especially dogs.

things i feel ashamed for liking:
1. britney spears
2. leggings
3. fast food. all of it.
4. america's next top model
5. sleeping for ridiculous amounts of time.
6. bottled water
7. drinking milk straight from the carton
8. facebook
9. anything with choreographed song and dance
10. veal
11. skinny-dipping.


holli h. said...

I'm flattered that you lurk on my blog!! and I'm there with ya on the spaghetti straps! haha.

sarah lowe said...

Hi, my name is Sarah (Gibson)Lowe, I am Jana Acereto's cousin. I found your blog through Jana's and I looked to see if you ever post about your sister Megan. I was friends with her when I lived in Coolidge, and I haven't spoken to or seen her since you guys moved to Missouri. Do you know what she is doing now? I am just curious. If you have time and don't mind doing it, would you tell me about her? Or what her email address is so that I can ask myself? My email is THANKS!!