i decided my life isn't exciting enough to warrant a blog.
i came to this conclusion after realizing that the most fascinating thing that has happened to me in the past few days is that i did laundry for like the first time in a month. yes, i have enough underwear/clothes to last me a month.
be impressed.
p.s. it's halloween. guess what i'm not doing? dressing up and going to parties. why? because college is ruining my life and i'm stuck writing a paper and then studying for my THIRD test this week. again, college is ruining my life. feel free to send sympathy packages containing food, money, or possibly a pistol with one bullet.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
you know what i miss?
scratch that...reading books that i actually ENJOY reading rather than books i want to burn at the end of the semester. books that don't cost my entire life savings to buy at the bookstore that satan may or may not own. books that stimulate my mind without making my head hurt. books that i don't have to worry about remembering in painful detail for my next exam.
in short, books that don't suck. yeah. i miss those.
so...anyone know of any good books (that don't suck)?
scratch that...reading books that i actually ENJOY reading rather than books i want to burn at the end of the semester. books that don't cost my entire life savings to buy at the bookstore that satan may or may not own. books that stimulate my mind without making my head hurt. books that i don't have to worry about remembering in painful detail for my next exam.
in short, books that don't suck. yeah. i miss those.
so...anyone know of any good books (that don't suck)?
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
the tyranny is over!
i took my psychology midterm today. and now it is over. after studying for countless hours (seriously i tried to count and i couldn't), it's all over. whether or not i received a passing grade on this exam written by the devil is yet to be determined. but at this point, my level of caring is shockingly low. on a happier note, i was able to bond with several people in my class over the fact that none of us knew what we were talking about when it came to psychology! nothing brings people together like a common enemy, and today, that enemy was an essay exam.
on the other hand, i got 100% on my french essay! there you have it, i DO know some stuff.
on the other hand, i got 100% on my french essay! there you have it, i DO know some stuff.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
what would freud say?

sometimes, i have really strange dreams.
like this one night that i dreamt i was dating alec baldwin, who could in reality be my father. but apparently it was a double date with my roommate megan. it just so happens that on our way to our [unspecified] date destination, alec baldwin urgently grabs my leg in what i interpret as an affectionate signal. (cue awkward dream feeling)
the scene mysteriously changes (as dreams often do) to the house that i grew up in in missouri, where i'm setting up a tv because alec baldwin and i are going to watch a movie. my parents keep coming in: "are you guys hungry? do you want some cookies? something to eat? something to drink? do you need anything?" etc., to which i respond, "MOM! play it cool! alec baldwin is here!" (cue rampant disapproval of my dating alec baldwin)
and thus the first part of the dream concludes. oh yeah, you heard right: the first part. when i lay down to take a nap later that day, my brain continues down this path of unconscious celebrity obsession.
i'm coming home to my super swanky apartment and check my mailbox (#309), but it's empty. i walk into the said super swanky apartment that i share with my husband (who is apparently alec baldwin) and i'm changing out of my professional work clothes when the nanny (who apparently takes care of the children i have with alec baldwin) stumbles in holding my naked child in one hand and a diaper in the other.
nanny: "you have GOT to change this diaper...i can't do it."
me: "are you drunk?"
nanny: "no way...i just...can't change this diaper..."
me: "um....you're fired."
and alec baldwin escorts her from our super swanky apartment.
the point of this story: figure out what the heck it is that i ate before dreaming this craziness, and NEVER EAT IT AGAIN.
also, the accompanying photo was created by my roommate megan.
another internet addiction
i caved. peer pressure overpowered me: i have created...a blog. blame rhiannon nielsen mostly, but also a little bit of the blame can be shared with megan. must be a patterson woman thing. now i have to set up a schedule to balance my time between facebook and blog...ing? blogging. new verb to add to my vocabulary. anyway...here are a few of my thought tidbits to tantalize you.
- today in relief society, i was able to differentiate between the modern mormon women and fundamentalist mormon ladies in our ward, since the lesson was about woman's role in the world. megan and i came to the conclusion that we're going to become crazy cat ladies.
- the sauce that i ate over my rice for lunch would have been better with chicken rather than beef. but it was free. and i like the taste of free. so i made do.
- this whole "blogging" trend is really going to take away from my previous passion for reading thick and dull textbooks. tears were shed upon this realization, whether they were out of sadness or joy is yet to be determined.
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