it doesn't make it any less true that going to the dentist is awful.

hey mister. when i figure out how to respond to information-seeking questions with both of your hands as well as sharp pointy things in my mouth, i'd be happy to engage in conversation with you. in the mean time, stick to yes/no interrogation.
or better yet, let's just not talk at all. we both know you don't really care. and really, i'm already pretty busy trying not to drool all over myself in front of a total stranger.
good news though: i'm cavity-free. i celebrated by eating sugar.
seriously I hate when they try to talk to you when they have their hands in your mouth.
p.s. which dentist did you go to? did you like them? we are trying to find one...
ha ha ha, not all dentists are horrible. I happen to love mine. :)
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