so i got pretty ambitious yesterday. i went grocery shopping and bought vegetables, and then i thought hey, maybe i'll exercise. my roommate liz was doing yoga so i decided to join her. i was feeling really good about it.

let me give a brief overview of my exercise routine:
i don't do it. ever.
feelin' good.

feelin' ok.

feelin' pretty not ok.

feelin' like i just remembered why i don't do exercise.

not really feelin' the namaste.
you should come over and do Just Dance with me! thats how I exercise!
Thats why you go to a class so at least you can have some nice tail to look at whilst you struggle to breath
So, I love this. Best thing ever! You are probably the funniest person in the world. :)
3 things.
1. i randomly found your blog. i assume you don't mind being stalked by fairly normal people as your blog isn't private. don't worry; i only stalked for about two pages.
2. we have uncanny similarities. (3 ex's in the same ward, apparently we turned 23 the same month, mission in the making, both pretty awesome at being enthusiastic for yoga, illustrated blog posts, although mine are still in the works...)
3. this post made me laugh. i needed it. basically, good on ya. :]
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