Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
so i got pretty ambitious yesterday. i went grocery shopping and bought vegetables, and then i thought hey, maybe i'll exercise. my roommate liz was doing yoga so i decided to join her. i was feeling really good about it.
let me give a brief overview of my exercise routine:
i don't do it. ever.
feelin' good.
feelin' ok.
feelin' pretty not ok.
feelin' like i just remembered why i don't do exercise.
not really feelin' the namaste.

i don't do it. ever.

Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
so my roommate brielle is in the advertising program at byu and is currently working on a (really cool) project in which she needed someone to be audrey hepburn. she was just adorable when she asked me to do it. here's how the conversation pretty much (and when i say "pretty much" i mean i'm embellishing) went down:
brielle: "amy...i know it's asking a lot and it might be unpleasant for you, but i need a really big favor. we're going to have someone do your hair and makeup and put you in pretty clothes and have someone take pictures of you. i know it's a pain...but could you do it?"
amy: "doi."
here's a little peak of the transformation process. and i got to wear fake eyelashes.
in all honesty, it was a blast. so thanks, brielle!
brielle: "amy...i know it's asking a lot and it might be unpleasant for you, but i need a really big favor. we're going to have someone do your hair and makeup and put you in pretty clothes and have someone take pictures of you. i know it's a pain...but could you do it?"
amy: "doi."
here's a little peak of the transformation process. and i got to wear fake eyelashes.

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
goo goo for gaga
last saturday i went to the lady gaga concert with katherine.
as you can see, my excitement was just about on par with the percentage of teeth in my smile (100% teeth, 100% excited).this is the only photographic evidence we have of it, because we thought we couldn't bring cameras into the arena. because of this, i have decided to illustrate some highlights of my experience for your viewing pleasure.
i actually think the experience can be summed up in a few words, or rather one: trannies. never seen so many trannies in my life. i felt like dorothy in oz.
katherine and i had quite the time trying to figure out who was actually a woman. eventually i even began to question whether or not i was actually a woman. it was a confusing night.
also, we were seated in a pretty interesting section. to our left was a father with his two young children. in front of us was, i'm pretty sure, a family ward relief society presidency (in non-mormon speak, middle-aged moms). behind us was, i'm also pretty sure, the ya-ya sisterhood. the father quickly escorted his children out after about 5 songs, the relief society women were on their smart phones texting and facebooking for the duration of the concert, and the sisterhood hated me and katherine for standing up and dancing the entire time.
as for the rest of the show, it was great. although i'm not necessarily a huge fan of gaga as a person, i really get down to her tunes. her finale of "bad romance" and "born this way" were to die for.
also, for those of you not familiar with lady gaga, don't look up her music videos. probably ever.
i actually think the experience can be summed up in a few words, or rather one: trannies. never seen so many trannies in my life. i felt like dorothy in oz.

also, we were seated in a pretty interesting section. to our left was a father with his two young children. in front of us was, i'm pretty sure, a family ward relief society presidency (in non-mormon speak, middle-aged moms). behind us was, i'm also pretty sure, the ya-ya sisterhood. the father quickly escorted his children out after about 5 songs, the relief society women were on their smart phones texting and facebooking for the duration of the concert, and the sisterhood hated me and katherine for standing up and dancing the entire time.

as for the rest of the show, it was great. although i'm not necessarily a huge fan of gaga as a person, i really get down to her tunes. her finale of "bad romance" and "born this way" were to die for.
also, for those of you not familiar with lady gaga, don't look up her music videos. probably ever.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
cranky pants.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
no politics, just love.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
also, i'm famous.
apparently BYU decided to pitch in for my birthday. their present was putting my face on a poster for the "choose to give" campaign and plastering it everywhere on campus.
time to cross "being on a poster for a non-criminal reason" off of my life goals list. the thing is, i don't really know what to do when i pass by one of them. do i pretend like i don't see it? do i acknowledge that it is, in fact, me? being famous is really stressful guys, lemme tell ya.

mission: best birthday ever
this week i came one step closer to my mid-twenties: i turned 23. although my age may indicate "adult," i negated that by eating pretty much only sugar every day this entire week. thanks to everyone for knowing me so well as to provide me with days worth of treats--nothing makes me happier.
anyway, i got the best pre-birthday present ever: amandine judas came to my house. seriously one of my favorite people on this earth, and someone i hadn't seen for a year since she lives in france. however, she's starting her mission in temple square, so i got to be her companion until i dropped her off at the mtc.

first order of business was to go to mcdonalds (french people, believe it or not, really have a thing for mcdonalds. don't ask me why) to get a snack-size mcflurry.
amandine: "...this is a snack size? this is like a medium in france!"
amy: "welcome to america, little frenchie."
the next morning, i made sure she was well-fed before dropping her off at the MTC.

and obviously jimmy johns, because 1. duh, and 2. it was my birthday and thus a tradition.
i just really love sandwiches. deal with it.
lastly, we dropped her off at the MTC. i felt like a proud momma, and didn't even cry [that much].
it was kind of weird to go to the MTC and think, "whoa, i'm going to be here in like 3 months..."
oh yeah, did i mention that i'm going on a mission? papers go in tomorrow.
anyway, i got the best pre-birthday present ever: amandine judas came to my house. seriously one of my favorite people on this earth, and someone i hadn't seen for a year since she lives in france. however, she's starting her mission in temple square, so i got to be her companion until i dropped her off at the mtc.

first order of business was to go to mcdonalds (french people, believe it or not, really have a thing for mcdonalds. don't ask me why) to get a snack-size mcflurry.
amandine: "...this is a snack size? this is like a medium in france!"
amy: "welcome to america, little frenchie."
the next morning, i made sure she was well-fed before dropping her off at the MTC.

and obviously jimmy johns, because 1. duh, and 2. it was my birthday and thus a tradition.
lastly, we dropped her off at the MTC. i felt like a proud momma, and didn't even cry [that much].

oh yeah, did i mention that i'm going on a mission? papers go in tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
birthday hangover
not to turn this into a food diary or anything, but 
things i have eaten today, and i'm speaking literally here:
-3 cupcakes
-a bag of skittles.
did i mention i'm 23?
p.s. more birthday stuff to come, i just have to do massive amounts of homework and probably not sleep tonight. i'm getting too old for this.

things i have eaten today, and i'm speaking literally here:
-3 cupcakes
-a bag of skittles.
did i mention i'm 23?
p.s. more birthday stuff to come, i just have to do massive amounts of homework and probably not sleep tonight. i'm getting too old for this.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
red-blooded american woman
so i'm working on a project for an instructional design competition. to make a long story short, we had to take some pictures for it where three of the people are supposed to be french, and i'm the american.
during the "shoot," i was instructed, "ok, now be american."
i was confused. i thought i was being american. you know, since i am american.
after reciting the pledge of allegiance and the preamble to the constitution, i felt more prepared to channel the american spirit.
i think this embodies it pretty well. (USA! USA!)
during the "shoot," i was instructed, "ok, now be american."

after reciting the pledge of allegiance and the preamble to the constitution, i felt more prepared to channel the american spirit.
nothing new, but still horrifying
i get it. everyone complains about going to the dentist.
it doesn't make it any less true that going to the dentist is awful.

hey mister. when i figure out how to respond to information-seeking questions with both of your hands as well as sharp pointy things in my mouth, i'd be happy to engage in conversation with you. in the mean time, stick to yes/no interrogation.
or better yet, let's just not talk at all. we both know you don't really care. and really, i'm already pretty busy trying not to drool all over myself in front of a total stranger.
good news though: i'm cavity-free. i celebrated by eating sugar.
it doesn't make it any less true that going to the dentist is awful.

hey mister. when i figure out how to respond to information-seeking questions with both of your hands as well as sharp pointy things in my mouth, i'd be happy to engage in conversation with you. in the mean time, stick to yes/no interrogation.
or better yet, let's just not talk at all. we both know you don't really care. and really, i'm already pretty busy trying not to drool all over myself in front of a total stranger.
good news though: i'm cavity-free. i celebrated by eating sugar.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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