so yesterday, i did a very adult thing. not adult in the sense of XXX, but adult in the sense of i am a responsible human being that does professional things. professional things like...give a presentation to people that have doctorates and 20 years on me at a university conference.
look, look! i appeared in a program!

look, look! my picture was in it too!

the presentation went quite well. i feel like i said some intelligent-sounding things, which i based off the amount of head-nods i got when i was talking. anyway, enough bragging. bye.
Wahoo, Amy! This was your summer's work, right? Way to go, smartee...I didn't know the project's other members were MA students!
nice one!! how crazy would it have been though to present it in a XXX fashion? i bet you would've gotten more than head nods!
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