Tuesday, February 12, 2008

dental disappointments

so i bought a new toothbrush on my last excursion to the grocery store, since my old one's bristles were getting all soft. i hate when the bristles get soft. it makes me feel like i'm brushing my teeth with a cotton swab. hence the need for a new toothbrush.

first of all, toothbrushes are ridiculously expensive if you want one that's half decent and has more than 5 plastic bristles sticking out of it. seriously, i paid like $5 for mine. i hate to get all grandpa cletus "back in my day" on you, but i remember the days when toothbrushes were like a dollar. let's bring those days back.

anyway, so i make my selection (and it was a pretty dang good selection if i do say so myself) and pay for it. when i get home i liberate it right away from its package and try it out (i know, i have the mentality of a 5 year old when it comes to new things- i want them now now now!). imagine my horror when i start brushing away, expecting nice, firm, almost make your gums bleed bristles but instead i get SOFT, SILKY, PAMPER MY BABY GUMS bristles! what's going on with the world?! can't a girl get a reasonably priced firm-bristled toothbrush these days?

and of course i already covered it with my own saliva so it's not like i can take it back or anything. although to be honest, i did consider it. customer satisfaction should be more of a priority in this world.


Mom said...

Not to worry...your dentist would tell you NEVER to use firm bristle toothbrushes on your pearley whites...ALWAYS use soft-brushes. So you made the correct choice and didn't even know it!

Anonymous said...

mom! you learned how to comment on blogs! i'm so proud of you.