so this weekend, i went with my parents up to camp verde, az. we got up at 6:30 in the morning to go out hiking in the desert and doing some geocaching, which my dad is really into.
i know what you're thinking--amy, getting up early, to do physical nature? obviously you're perplexed, because all of these things are so contrary to my fundamental principles. it's a new day, people. a new day. not really, because i still hate getting up early, doing physical activity, and nature and i have yet to form a really close bond, considering most of the sounds coming out of my mouth during the hike were "ew," "oh my gosh...", "ahhh!!", and various forms of whimpering.
like the one time my dad decided to play a joke that there was a rattlesnake next to us. which was especially funny since i had grilled him on the way there about what to do if i saw one. if screaming and peeing my pants was the standard procedure, i passed with flying colors. just kidding, of course i didn't scream.
then we kept finding these little burrow holes in the ground with which my dad was fascinated, saying that "ant lions" lived in them. right? we couldn't ever get one to come out, so i was forced to go home and google it to see if it really existed. it does, and it looks like THIS: SO GLAD THAT THINGS THAT LOOK LIKE THIS EXIST. NOT.
also, there were bugs that sounded like the first part of this led zeppelin song. i kid you not. just imagine hearing that aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAH! in nature.
all in all, it was a great day for some fambly bonding, and my dad was able to find his milestone cache. way to go, pops!
ANT LION?!?!?!? what IS that thing? I am fascinated and frightened all at once! I think that was the thing making the led zeppelin "immigrant song" noise.
I don't know you, and you don't know me...but I LOVE your posts...and your cartoon drawings! I can only imagine how witty and charming you are in person! I used to be in Janalee's ward (and she happens to be cousins with my sis-in-law) so by reading her blog is how I came upon yours and I must say I am happy I did. Enjoy your mission, I can tell you're gonna be a GREAT missionary and companion!!
ANT LION?!?!?!? what IS that thing? I am fascinated and frightened all at once! I think that was the thing making the led zeppelin "immigrant song" noise.
I really like your rendition of the ant lion!
dying at the pee. and that really does look like your mom. you nailed the hair and heighth.
I don't know you, and you don't know me...but I LOVE your posts...and your cartoon drawings! I can only imagine how witty and charming you are in person! I used to be in Janalee's ward (and she happens to be cousins with my sis-in-law) so by reading her blog is how I came upon yours and I must say I am happy I did. Enjoy your mission, I can tell you're gonna be a GREAT missionary and companion!!
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