Sunday, August 4, 2013

visiting teaching.

guys, i'm really bad at visiting teaching. i've been in my ward for like three months and still haven't done it. (jargon: a ward is like a congregation. visiting teaching is set up kind of so that every person in the ward has a buddy. ah go look at this website.) anyway, background story: last night in a fit of misguided ambition, i decided to make cupcakes to take to church choir in order to bribe people to actually attend. only after i was done frosting them (WITH HOMEMADE STRAWBERRY FROSTING, MIND YOU) that i remembered--it was fast sunday. no one could eat these. we weren't even going to HAVE choir practice.

what to do with all these cupcakes. DING! i will take them to my people that i've been neglecting for three months!

track down their names, check. addresses, check. what they actually look like, no check. (IT'S NOT LIKE FACEBOOK EXISTS OR ANYTHING, AMY.)

(note: none of my people that i visit are named kara. but i thought it would be weird to put their real names. in case some day they read my blog when we become friends.)

here's to someday being able to have normal social interactions.


marlee.patrice said...

baaahahahaaha. too perfect.

holli h. said...

homemade strawberry frostingggg? will you be my visiting teacher???