Wednesday, June 12, 2013

i have bad luck with spiders.

let's talk about last thursday.
*disclaimer: there are some pictures of me on a toilet. you have been warned.

then, out of the corner of my eye, appears:
and then i:
this spider was huge. way too big to squish with a shoe, because then i would feel it crunch and smush. and i can't handle that. so i went for the next most effective alternative. scrubbing bubbles. 
after using about half the can on the demon and watching him curl up and die, i felt secure enough to do my hair in the bathroom. but i didn't want to touch it (the spider, not my hair), so i left it on the window sill because i also wanted to show grace when she got home, because fear must be shared. 

then i left, spider still curled up and not moving on the window sill. fast forward to a few hours later. grace and i come home. me: "grace come see the giant mutant i killed in our bathroom!" grace: "...iii don't..."
after a frantic and scary search in the bathroom to see where it had gone, we found nothing. but i really had to pee. but i was really scared. but i still had to go. so i did. 
i don't think i've ever put my pants back as quickly in my entire life. obviously i made grace kill it the second time around. 

in case you missed this, here is some background on other horrifying spider experiences.


holli h. said...

toon amy vs. mega-spider. almost as good as alien vs. predator.

Karen said...

Are you sure you lived in Arizona? Home of wolf spider and tarantulas?

marlee.patrice said...

OOOHHHhhhh mah gossshh.
oh my.

ew. ew. ew.
hate those spider guys.

but your little stick figures are my fav. heh heh.

Megan said...

even the pictures of a cartoon spider gives me the creeps and makes me want to throw up. I'm glad you survived