Monday, January 7, 2013

january 7, 2013

ok guys. i just gotta put this out there: i love reading your emails but my enthusiasm for responding has dramatically decreased. PLEASE DON'T BE MAD AND STOP WRITING ME. 

this week was great! although january first we didn't have any lessons because all of our amis were kind of...indisposed i guess you could say, we went around and started committing our members to help us find new investigators. it actually worked out really well! we've been committing them to invite their friends over to the missionary dinner appointments and we can take advantage of that time to have a family home evening type activity. they have been pretty open to this idea and so far, so good! except for the first night, the members we committed were like yeah ok! and it was great because they actually did invite people, the only problem was that they didn't actually tell the people that they invited that WE were going to come too, so when we showed up, they were just like uhhhhhh WHY ARE MORMON MISSIONARIES HERE WHAT DID YOU GUYS GET US INTO! and it was just pretty awkward. but the other nights were really fun and we were able to show the people that we're normal and fun and like Jesus too! we're hoping that little by little, our members will become more involved and we'll be able to see the fruits. or more like soeur cook will be able to see the fruits. for now i'm just happy to plant i guess.

we had a cool experience this week--we fasted on saturday to find new amis and to soften the hearts of our investigators and BOOM we immediately saw results. we had a bunch of investigators come to church yesterday, and we got a reference! there was a girl who came to church on sunday with a family, and i was like hmmm i have definitely seen you before, and she was like yeah! i met you at the patu family's house in faaa! and i was like YES! THAT'S IT! so that's pretty cool because we got her number and stuff and we'll probably start up the lessons with her this week. hoooraaaaaaaaaaaay! 

let's seeeee...OH MAN. yesterday was my last fast and testimony meeting on the mission! it was so weird! obviously i was like ok i have to go up and bear my testimony, and i didn't really think it was going to affect me that much because come on, i bear my testimony every day, but i got up there and started talking and as soon as i was like "so this is my last testimony meeting as a missionary..." I JUST GOT REALLY EMOTIONAL! AND I WAS EMBARRASSED! hahaa. i didn't totally lose it, but it was hard not to cry. and i thought to myself, man if i can barely keep it together now, what am i going to be like at my homecoming?! get ready for waterworks, probably. 

anyway, i'm trying really hard to stay focused. there are little things that happen every day that remind me how short the time is, and then i kind of turn and look at soeur cook with really wide eyes and she's like NO! DON'T GET TRUNKY! I HAVE TO SQUEEZE EVERY BIT OF KNOWLEDGE POSSIBLE OUT OF YOU BEFORE YOU LEAVE!! and then we laugh. it is a very bittersweet experience. welp. i'm gonna go now. but i love you!

soeur hansen

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