Wednesday, January 2, 2013

december 10, 2012


be lucky that i made it to the computer to write this email, because it is TROPICAL RAIN STORM SEASON in tahiti. seriously, i waded through mid-calf deep water to get here. it has rained every day this week, and probably will continue to rain. and it just so happens that this is the week where my BIKE BROKE. yup. almost made it the entire mission without a problem, and BOOM. a month and a half left, he decides to throw a tantrum. so we're hoofin' it now with our umbrellas. and because i loaned out my umbrella to a guy waiting with his daughter for the bus in the rain, i didn't have an umbrella so someone ELSE loaned me THEIR umbrella, which is HUGE and rainbow! it's awesome. all of the neighborhoods, including ours, are totally flooded. so maybe instead of going on bike, we'll go to our lessons by boat. right? right.

in other news, let's talk about when people say that they had a bunch of trials at the end of their mission, they are not lying. i have come to experience this phenomenon (is that even how that it's spelled? who cares.) myself. soeur cook and i would just laugh because every morning i would wake up, and something else would be wrong with me. like this week, i got a rather painful ingrown toenail, which is not only really gross, but it hurts a lot. there are other stuff too but honestly i just don't feel like listing all of my physical maladies. and for the first time in my entire mission, i got yelled at! it was scary! the guy seriously like EXPLODED in my face and yelled at me (i think soeur cook got spared because she generally just looks confused so all the anger gets funnelled onto me, which is ok. i'd rather spare her--i'm so selfless, huh). it made me pretty sad, but you know. you kinda just have to keep going. but we went back a few days later and sorted out the situation and things are cool now. he apologized and now happy feelings have been restored. hooray!

let's seeeeee what else. we have a marriage and a baptism fixed for the 21st--our amie, faniza. she's really cool and excited about learning about the gospel. every time we go for lessons she always has like a written report about what she read. it makes me happy. we've been working to get new investigators this week, which has been kind of a challenge, but i think a couple are going to work out. we're coming up on the holidays when everyone goes on vacation or just doesn't want to receive lessons, so i think we're going to have to get pretty creative in the next couple weeks. 

i don't have TOO much to say, just trying not to break any bones...:) hope everything is going well back home. take full advantage of this christmas season! take the time to hang out with the fam. give somebody a present. it'll make you feel good. 

soeur hansen