1. she loves being a mom. i have never once doubted that she loved me, that she wanted to be my mom and nobody else's mom, and that there is nothing else in the entire world that she would rather be doing than being my mom.
2. she loves to serve. one example (among maaannnny) that always sticks out to me: all through school--elementary, middle, junior, high (and i think maybe even college if i was still close enough), she made me (and my brothers and sisters) lunch every day. and i'm not talking lunchables and a twinkie here--i'm talking hearty sandwich, carrots, apples, homemade cookies, and sometimes even a little "i love you!" written on my napkin. every morning, without fail, she would have my lunch ready to go.
3. she knows how to deal with my hysterics. this one time, i think i was in 10th or 11th grade (angst angst angst), i had a huge zit on my chin. i tried to exterminate it, but to no avail--it only made it bigger! i cried and cried. hysterically, like a 16 year old girl might do. i knew there was no WAY i could show my face at school the next day--it would be too humiliating! but my mom stroked my hair (probably cracking up inwardly about my panic) and assured me that no one would even notice, that i was just the prettiest girl she'd ever seen. and promptly sent me to school the next day.
4. she listens to me, always. my sorrows are her sorrows, and my happiness is her joy. whether it be irrational melt downs over a zit, or elation over anything, really, she is always there to soak in every word. and somehow, she always knows the right things to say.
5. she lets me live my own life, and make my own decisions, but always offers loving support. and the reason why she can do that is because she had always given me the tools to make good decisions--she is a mother who knows. even when i make a stupid decision, she shows me she loves me, and helps me to realize my faults and how to fix them.
6. she loves her family, she loves the people around her, and she loves God. i don't think there is a mean bone in that woman's body. i have so very much to learn from her.and she is so very patient with me as i try to.
7. she's just so dang cute.
happy mother's day. i love you, mom.
Aren't I just the luckiest and most blessed mom around...and don't I have the 6 most beautiful daughters ever!!!!
aaahh..our mom is the best we couldn't have asked for a better one!! :)
your mom really is a saint.
(although once, before you were born, I went camping with your family and she made me a delicious sub and I promptly dropped it in the dirt and she got irritated with me)
that was a sweet tribute.
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