Sunday, February 14, 2010


ok so i think valentine's day is stupid. and i'm not saying that as a bitter, single girl. because i actually have someone, and i still hate this day. despite my cynicism, we did have a good time at the stake valentine's day dance. i know what you're thinking: "losers went to the stake dance..." but mostly we had to because matt is on the planning committee and was therefore forced to be there, so we were supportive. also, they do put on a pretty good shindig in our stake. so i get points for being supportive girlfriend, and i get to have fun. win-win.

roommates before the dance.

happy dancin'

funniest picture of my life. so many different elements going on.


Mom said...

I love to read your blogs! Tell me more about the valentine's dance and the funny last pic!

emilymcb said...

Holy cow. I think you totally look like Stephanie Olds in that last picture.