1. THANKSGIVING: while the journey started out extremely traumatizing (i.e. my car broke down on the freeway, cue frantic calling, hysterical laughter, and eventual return to provo), we eventually got a rental car and recommenced the journey. we being myself and my roommate Amandine who is from FRANCE! i wanted to give her the experience of an authentic american thanksgiving. i had to explain that car failure was not typically part of the tradition.
thanksgiving mainly consisted of two things: turkey, and baby zoey.

she usually wears clothes, but obviously prefers nudity.

did i mention that in the car confusion, my make-up bag and curling iron got left in provo? thanksgiving au natural!
the turkey weekend also including what i like to call "introducing amandine to nature's wonders extravagaaaanzaaaa!" a little long, but accurate in its description. my dad took us girls out into the desert for a day of geocaching. and amandine met cactus.
then we took her to shoot guns. the french girl. who has never touched a gun in her anti-gun french life.
she likes it, mikey!
just look at that hyperextension.
we then had to bid farewell to the beautiful arizona sun and sky (and my family), and head back to provo for two and a half weeks of cruel and unusual punishment.
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