however, in the midst of all this weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, there was time for some fun. my roommate lindsay's birthday was on the 5th, so we let her pick anything she wanted to do...and then we did it. this included eating at a taiwanese restaurant where grace and i tried out the only two phrases we know in chinese (taught to us by lindsay, tried out on the restaurant owner): "hey there handsome!" and "i love you." both of which got slightly confused (but i think secretly pleased) reactions from the man.
lindsay+brother sean
exhibit a: amy and matthew, nicely posing for a picture.
exhibit b: grace and phil, not.
in an attempt to bring some christmas spirit into our apartment, amandine and i borrowed a...rather THE christmas tree from our apartment complex's common room and put it in our living room. look how we glow with christmas cheer!

we eventually returned it. mostly because we were forced. bahhumbug.
then grace, amandine, and i gave each other presents.
yay christmas!
1 comment:
ahh! you know lindsay! she is THE CUTEST ever! We lived in the same hall freshman year...ahh...I have not seen either of you girls in WAY too long!
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