Sunday, July 5, 2009

amy's deep thought of the day.

wouldn't it be really great if people could go to the bathroom for you? like, for example, you're sitting on your bed with your computer on your lap and you're really comfortable and don't want to move because that would require hobbling over to your crutches and then crutching your way to the toilet while your armpits and seriously over-worked left leg painfully protest. instead of doing that, you could just be like (to the person nearest you), "hey i have to pee, could you go for me? thanks!" and then, problem solved.


grace louise said...

If it's any consolation, I'd be for you everyday if I could. Even if your ankle weren't Quasimodo.

grace louise said...

And by "be" I mean "pee." You can't live through me. Bednar said no avatars, and I think that falls under this catagory.

Janalee said...

I've always said that! "Can you go pee for me?" really. I used to always dream that.