Monday, January 6, 2014


do you ever do this? you are eating food, like say, leftover cheesy breadsticks. hypothetically, of course.
you are enjoying said cheesy bread, and you get to the last bite of one. sink your teeth into it.

and it is not good.
probably because it is 2 days old and has been microwaved, but that is besides the point. you think to yourself, "i have a whole other cheesy breadstick waiting for me. do i really want to waste my stomach space and jaw energy chewing this unsatisfactory last bite, when i could just move on to the next one??" so you kind of just stop mid-bite, take it out of your mouth, and...

so you're telling me you don't ever do this.

gross, me neither.


Janalee said...

oh my gosh - love the facial expressions and saliva.

holli h. said...

i always just eat too much in one sitting to even have leftovers... then i have lack-of-leftovers-due-to binging remorse.112