Sunday, March 17, 2013

i have such a girl crush on patricia holland right now.

this comes from a 1987 ensign article from patricia holland: "one thing needful: becoming women of greater faith in Christ." granted, this was written before i was born, but it applies to today more than ever. i would've really loved to copy and paste the entire article onto this post, but it was pretty lengthy. however, i highly encourage that you follow the link though to read it in its wise entirety. 
here are a few paragraphs that i particularly liked. i highlighted my favorite parts. 

read and be edified.

"If I were Satan and wanted to destroy a society, I think I would stage a full-blown blitz on women. I would keep them so distraught and distracted that they would never find the calming strength and serenity for which their sex has always been known. 

Satan has effectively done that, catching us in the crunch of trying to be superhuman instead of striving to reach our unique, God-given potential within such diversity. He tauntingly teases us that if we don’t have it all—fame, fortune, families, and fun, and have it all the time—we have been short-changed and are second-class citizens in the race of life. As a sex we are struggling, our families are struggling, and our society is struggling. 

Through the last decade, Satan has enticed all humanity to engage almost all of their energies in the pursuit of romantic love or thing-love or excessive self-love. In so doing, we forget that appropriate self-love and self-esteem are the promised reward for putting others first. “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.” (Luke 17:33.) 

With charity, real growth and genuine insight begin. But the lid to box four seems nearly impossible to penetrate. Unfortunately, the faint-hearted and fearful often turn back here. The going seems too difficult, the lock too secure. This is a time for self-evaluation. To see ourselves as we really are often brings pain, but it is only through true humility, repentance, and renewal that we will come to know God. “Learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart,” he said. (Matt. 11:29.) We must be patient with ourselves as we overcome weaknesses, and we must remember to rejoice over all that is good in us. This will strengthen our inner selves and leave us less dependent on outward acclaim. When our souls pay less attention to public praise, they then also care very little about public disapproval. Competition and jealousy and envy now begin to have no meaning. Just imagine the powerful spirit that would exist in our female society if we finally arrived at the point where, like our Savior, our real desire was to be counted as the least among our sisters. The rewards here are of such profound strength and quiet triumph of faith that we are carried into an even brighter sphere."


Unknown said...

I remember reading this article many years ago. You are so right, it is very wise, very true and very applicable today. Thanks for the opportunity to revisit some great council. I love you!

Karen said...

Eons ago, when Mark and I were students at BYU, we picked up and delivered dry cleaning from - then President and Sister Holland. She had just been called into the general YW presidency. As someone whet to gather their dry-cleaning I stood just inside their front door and overheard a conversation between her and her family. She expressed concern that she was nothing compared to the other sisters in the presidency and worried that she had nothing to add. I was shocked by her concern and realized that even great women feel like nothing sometimes. This talk has even more meaning to me. And, Amy, you are one of these amazing women!

holli h. said...

i love this. PTH + JRH = power couple. thanks for sharing.

Sarah said...

Love this! Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

preach, sister! love it.