mom: "so are you doing anything fun for MLK day tomorrow?"
me: "yeah actually, grace, phil, matthew, and i are going to go to park city. i've never been before so i wanted to check it out."
mom: "oh that will be so fun!"
me: "i know! i'll take lots of pictures."
mom: "yes, take lots of pictures and blog about them! you never blog anymore!"
me: "ok i will for sure!"
so today we went to park city. grace and phil ending up bailing so it was just matthew and me, which was fine because then we didn't have to worry about grossing anyone else out by how dang cute we are. on the drive up, we got lost. which was fine as well, because we weren't in a rush.
we eventually made it to main street park city and enjoyed (i enjoyed it especially) walking up and down the sidewalks in the bitter cold and snow trying to find a restaurant, which was more difficult than anticipated since most of them open at 5, and sadly it was only 2:30. after making fun of the name of this one restaurant, "the eating establishment," we decided that that should be our eating establishment, since we were cold, hungry, and edging on grumpiness.
table by the fireplace and tastiness ensued. i drank two cups of dr. pepper as a preventative measure against a food coma, and it mostly worked since i was able to barrel through several outlet stores in the quest of things i didn't need, but was ready and willing to buy. matthew is quite the well-trained male shopper. i'll have to thank his mom for that someday, i think.
so, in the end, i only bought one thing, and we only took one picture.
in the car, when we were lost.
i'm sorry, mom. i did take a picture of me jumping around in my new pants though...

Thoroughly surprised and delighted when I ventured to try your blog again and found a new entry!!!! Glad you had a fun trip....and more new jeans???? You funny girl.
Thanks for the blog and pics and glad you found your way home again!
I want to be grossed out by your cuteness! it sounds like a fun trip. and I would like to hear your jokes about the eating establishment
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