7:00pm Friday- leave Provo.
10:30pm Friday-arrive in St. George, eat at In-and-Out, check-in to the Super 8 motel, clandestinely sneak 6 girls into a hotel room reserved for 2.
11:00pm Friday- pack 6 girls into a king-size bed purely for photo-taking purposes.
12:00am-sleepy time.
7:30 am Saturday- wakey time, shower time, continental breakfast time.
8:30am Saturday- st. george temple photo shoot
12:00pm Saturday- VEGAS (shopping, walking, eating, vegas templing...gambling?!!)
10:15pm Saturday-leave vegas
5:06am Sunday-arrive in provo
it was a crazy adventure. pictures to prove it.

...aaaaaand i used $1 to play a slot. i came to vegas a girl, and i left a woman.
Looks like a fun trip! Thanks for all the cute pics! Now I'm waiting for the modeling pics of your new clothes!
in about a month i turn 21. vegas again....?!?!
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